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    30 Struggles Every Theatre Kid Will Understand

    It's very dark in here.

    1. Thinking you heard someone say the scottish-play-that-shall-not-be-named and losing your shit.

    2. And then freaking out when something immediately goes wrong.

    3. Explaining to non-theatre people that you’re not physically threatening your fellow cast members.

    4. Finding out that your prop or costume piece is not where you left it.

    5. When someone critiques your costume and/or makeup.

    6. Having to bribe people with food to get them to do literally anything.

    7. When someone offers to share makeup.

    8. When someone messes up the light cue, leaving you awkwardly standing in the dark.

    9. And then trying to exit, also in the dark without dying.

    10. When people will not shut up backstage, and you’re trying to remember lines.

    11. Fighting with everyone over the leftovers from concessions

    12. Realizing you have to pee right before you go onstage.

    13. The horrible silence when someone misses a line and everyone blanks.

    14. The awkward moment when the curtain almost kills you.

    15. When someone’s baby starts crying in the middle of your line.

    16. Hearing your relative laughing when no one else is.

    17. Having a quick (*cough* impossible) costume change that requires the speed of a superhuman.

    18. The stress of being sick and missing rehearsal.

    19. When someone at TECH WEEK doesn't have their lines down.

    20. When someone trips onstage and the audience collectively gasps.

    21. When the director says “we need to make a few changes.”

    22. When there’s no more snacks and it’s a late night rehearsal.

    23. When someone keeps going on and on about a mistake they made onstage.

    24. When newbies come in thinking they own the stage.

    25. And then brag about their accomplishments at higher-end theatres.

    26. When you’re changing and someone walks by and you are NOT prepared.

    27. When you get tired of the play or musical that you're in, and are so ready to be done with it.

    28. Spending your time off looking like this:

    29. Someone cracking and singing Queen BEY at the top of their lungs.

    30. Bawling your eyes out when it's time to say goodbye to the show.

    31. But you wouldn’t trade it for anything. Because the memories ARE THE BEST.