
Dallas C.

I can be rather quiet or kinda loud, I try to moderate myself, and some times I'm more successful than others, bot on the whole I try to be the guy who makes the group just that little bit more fun to be in, like just the right topping for whatever your eating. I'm the one cracking jokes, or cracking heads in video games. Oh, right, I didn't mention that. Well, yeah I play video games, I want to make them as a career, so while I'm kicking your ass in Smash Bros. Brawl, Halo 3, Soul Calibur IV or whatever else we're playing, consider it helping a friend study up for a job, I like to think of it as padding my resume with the broken bodies of your characters but to each his own, right? When I'm not doing that I'm either helping my dad, swimming, hanging out with friends and causing mischief, being a nerd with a bunch of other nerdy manchildren playing Warhammer 40k (if you don't know, don't ask, use google, I'm not explaining it), or chewing gum. Except I'm almost out of gum... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU-

Aug 2009
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