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BREAKING NEWS: The King of Cannes, Jacques d'Azur, is Missing!

Jacques d'Azur, the King of Cannes, was a legendary French film producer/director/actor/tennis player/chess master/ backgammon champion/waterskiing pioneer and full time bon vivant known for his work on the red carpets and swimming pools of the French Riviera. Jacques disappeared in February while yachting in Tahiti. Jacques' estate is currently seeking an heir to take his place at the Cannes Film Festival this May. Is it you?

Jacques d'Azur 14 years ago

The Cutest Tennis Match Ever

Melanie Oudin (the 17-year-old American tennis darling) played Caroline Wozniacki (the 19-year-old Danish tennis darling) tonight at the US Open. It was the cutest tennis match in the history--even though Melanie lost. We will miss you and your pink shoes, friend.

Amanda Dobbins 14 years ago