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    19 Times Tumblr Nailed What It's Like Being Over 30

    "In your 30s = Too Old to be Young, Too Young to be Old."

    1. When you have a moment of self-realization...too late:

    2. When you find *another* grey hair:

    3. When you want to pre-game before going to a dinner party (because you need SOMETHING to tide you over):

    4. When your body starts to break down:

    5. Seriously:

    6. When your 30s didn't turn out as ~fabulous~ as TV made you think it would be:

    7. And when TV just seems straight-up rude:

    8. When how you feel inside doesn't match how you feel outside:

    9. When you try to keep up with the youths:

    10. When you're at the point where the ~little things~ just make you happy...

    11. ...particularly bed time:

    12. When you realize you're too old to waste any more time:

    13. And when you're really just being honest:

    14. When there's just one more reason to hate birthdays:

    15. When you'd really rather not celebrate anymore birthdays:

    16. When you realize you're slowly turning into a "get off my lawn" person:

    17. When you wonder WTF happened to all your friends:

    18. When you are being very honest:

    19. And finally, when you're the oldest person in a room: