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19 Spoiled Cats Who Are Living Better Lives Than You

OK, but all these cats have nicer furniture than I do.

If you're a lucky cat owner, then you know the truth is you don't actually own your cat — they own you. And you probably also know that it's REALLY easy for cats to get humans wrapped around their paws, which is why we spoil the heck out of them! And here are some hilariously impressive (and cute) examples...

1. Like this spoiled cat who has a custom-made, Scandanavian-chic bed and night stand set:

2. And this spoiled cat who has an entire scaled-down bedroom:

3. This spoiled cat who suits the Iron Throne better than Bran Stark:

4. And this spoiled cat who has a perfectly sized sofa that's honestly nicer than any furniture I've ever owned:

5. This spoiled cat who needed a whole art gallery to entertain them when they did their business:

6. This spoiled cat who loves a good blanket fort (I mean, same) and got it:

7. This spoiled cat who's tucked in for a peaceful nap with a really great view:

Spoiled. from cats

8. And this spoiled cat who's tucked in for a cozy nap with their true love:

9. This spoiled cat whose birthday is more important than his owner's:

10. This spoiled cat who has a custom-built walkway though the house JUST so she can see out one specific window.

11. This spoiled cat who has a particular set of requirements when it comes to being carried around:

12. And this spoiled cat who refuses to sit like a normal cat:

13. This spoiled cat who'll only calm down once he gets his (very specific) way:

14. This spoiled cat who has a cozy hangout chair that looks like something out of a West Elm catalogue:

15. And these spoiled cats who have their very own "hangout" chairs for the deck:

16. These spoiled cats who have a very large, very safe, and very customized space to play:

17. This spoiled cat who has his very own little hot tub "boat":

18. This spoiled cat who has a handmade, perfectly sized sofa:

19. And finally this GOAT spoiled cat:

Sometimes I wonder if I spoil the cat, seeing him with his iPad, in his yurt.

Twitter: @liz_buckley

H/T: r/aww and r/cats