13 Of The Saddest Songs Ever Recorded, And People's Stories About How They Affected Them

    "When I hear 'Time in a Bottle,' all I think about is Jim Croce leaving behind his little boy. I still like the song and appreciate it, but it makes me sad every time I hear it."

    Have you ever heard a song that's so incredibly sad, that it actually made you cry? I mean, if you're human, it's probably safe to say you have...

    Well, when Reddit user u/_sogapeu_ posed the simple question, "What’s the saddest song you have ever heard?" to the r/Music community, they came back with some really heartfelt and, honestly, quite moving responses. Here are the top-voted results:

    Note: This post contains songs that have some graphic lyrics about death, drug use, and lynching.

    1. "Real Death" by Mount Eerie

    Mount Eerie

    "That whole album, A Crow Looked at Me, it's about life shortly after Phil Elverum's (aka Mount Eerie) wife died. Heartbreaking shit."


    Listen to the song here:

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    P. W. Elverum & Sun Ltd. / Via youtube.com

    2. "The Drugs Don’t Work" by the Verve

    The Verve

    "Came on the radio while I was driving to my father’s funeral after he died from cancer...spoiled a good song for me. And then, driving home afterward, and 'Everybody Hurts' by R.E.M. came on...what are the chances eh…switched the radio off and drove home in silence…"


    Listen to the song here:

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    Hut / Via youtube.com

    3. "Strange Fruit" by Billie Holiday

    Billie Holiday

    "I don’t think there’s any song that is in this thread or could possibly be in this thread that is sadder and more devastating than 'Strange Fruit.' Once I saw an old recording of it being sung by Holiday while I was in a hotel while traveling, I told my friends waiting for me at the hotel bar that I was just gonna stay in and try and sleep."


    Listen to the song here:

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    Commodore / Via youtube.com

    4. "I'm So Glad Mom Can't See Me Now" by Leon Rausch

    A guitar

    "I walked by an old man experiencing homelessness, playing that song once, like it seemed to be his own. I don’t remember the entire song, but it really got me when he sang, 'I’m glad my mom can’t see me now.'”


    Listen to the song here:

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    Sound of Nashville / Via youtube.com

    5. "Sam Stone" by John Prine

    John Prine

    "'There’s a hole in daddy’s arm where all the money goes.' That line hits hard."


    Listen to the song here:

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    Atlantic / Via youtube.com

    6. "Time in a Bottle" by Jim Croce

    Jim Croce

    "Came looking for this song. Thinking about Jim and him leaving behind his little boy. I still like the song and appreciate it, but it makes me sad every time I hear it."


    Listen to the song here:

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    ABC / Via youtube.com

    7. "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman

    Tracy Chapman

    "I always liked the guitar part that repeats through the song, but I only recently really listened to the lyrics. Most people can't escape their past."


    "I always liked the line, 'I had a feeling that I belonged.' Just makes me think this poor girl never once felt special or even included. Ah shit, I’m going to cry."


    Listen to the song here:

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    Elektra / Via youtube.com

    8. "Fourth of July" by Sufjan Stevens

    Sufjan Stevens

    "The first time I listened to this song, I bawled. We had just found out my mom’s cancer had metastasized. Now, it’s been two months since her passing, and I’ve listened to it once in that time. It was too painful. That song hurts too much."


    Listen to the song here:

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    Asthmatic Kitty / Via youtube.com

    9. "Elephant" by Jason Isbell

    Jason Isbell

    "He’s got such a unique and special way of making you understand the heartbreak of losing someone you love."


    "This is an excellent answer. He’s one of the best songwriters of our time."


    Listen to the song here:

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    Southeastern Records / Via youtube.com

    10. "Nutshell" by Alice in Chains

    Alice in Chains

    "They have plenty of incredibly sad songs."


    "Came here to say this. Cannot bring myself to listen to this song without ugly crying. Held my brother's hand and listened to this song as we said goodbye."


    Listen to the song here:

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    Columbia Records / Via youtube.com

    11. "Vincent" by Don McLean

    Don McLean

    "'American Pie' deservedly gets all the attention, but this song, a tribute to Vincent van Gogh, is just as good."

    Listen to the song here:

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    Capitol Records / Via youtube.com

    12. "Fire and Rain" by James Taylor

    James Taylor

    "It's a song about a friend that died by suicide and James fighting his addiction."


    "Here is a quote from Taylor that I found while reading up on this topic. I think it really hits the nail on the head in regards to addiction, at least in my personal experience: 'One thing that addiction does is, it freezes you. You don't develop, you don't learn the skills by trial and error of having experiences and learning from them and finding out what it is you want and how to go about getting it, by relating with other people. You short-circuit all of that stuff and just go for the button that says this feels good over and over again.'"


    Listen to the song here:

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    Warner Records Inc. / Via youtube.com

    13. Finally, "Black" by Pearl Jam

    Pearl Jam

    "'I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, / I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky, / but why...why...why can't it be, oh, can't it be mine.' The way Eddie Vedder's voice cracks when he’s singing 'why'…ouch."


    "Man, what a song! I think the MTV Unplugged version is my favorite where he's crying out, 'We...we belong together!' at the end. Gets me every time."


    Listen to the song here:

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    MTV / Epic / Via youtube.com

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    What about you? What's a sad song that always makes you cry? Tell us in the comments below, and IDK, maybe there'll be a part two!