This Photo Of Rhaegar Targaryen And The Night King Hanging Out Will Send "GoT" Fans Down A Rabbit Hole

    The Dragon and the...First Man?

    Good news, Game of Thrones fans: Filming for the eighth and FINAL season has officially started.

    And while I'll probably have a million and one questions when 2018–19 rolls around, I have one very urgent question right now: WHY IS RHAEGAR TARGARYEN HANGING OUT WITH THE NIGHT KING?

    Because it SEEMS like this wasn't just an "Oh, hey! Let's take a quick photo for Insta" kinda thing. I mean, they had lunch together, which usually entails a lot more getting-to-know-you kind of talking.

    Of course, it's pretty unlikely that these two will have a scene together in Season 8...I think.

    Obviously, we'll be seeing a lot more of the Night King in the final season, so assuming Vladimir is in Belfast now for filming...and Wilf is there too...does this mean we'll be seeing a lot more of Rhaegar next season, too?

    But in fairness, the cast recently had a read-through of Season 8 scripts, and many of them have been spotted around Belfast over the last few weeks.

    Samwell Tarley & Daenarys Targaryen in Belfast today, thankfully no dragons @GameOfThrones

    So, it's possible that Wilf was in Northern Ireland purely for the read-through. (If that's where the photo was even taken at all.)