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Hey, Former Skeptics, What's A Weird Experience That Made You A Believer In The Paranormal?

If you're someone who never believed in ghosts, but then had an experience with one that completely changed your mind, we wanna hear your story.

The world is a big, big place. And A LOT of strange and creepy things have happened out there. In fact, inexplicable things happen so often that many former skeptics have been turned into believers — are you one of them?

A couple in bed seen through a cctv camera from Paranormal Activity

Like, maybe you've ALWAYS thought aliens are not a thing. But then, one night you were out for a nice walk and saw really weird bright lights. Like, fast-moving, definitely-not-a-plane lights, and you thought, "Wait...is that a U.F.O.?"

An old photo of a UFO in New Mexico

Or, perhaps, you're the kind of person who doesn't believe in ghosts. You considered that just silly Hollywood stuff. But when you stayed at an old hotel you SWEAR you saw a reflection of someone in your guestroom mirror and now you're a firm believer in ghosts.

A long hallway in an old hotel

Heck, maybe you even dared play with an Ouija Board one time, despite thinking they were completely fake but had an experience that totally spooked you instead?!

Man and woman with hands on a ouija board

So, former skeptics, tell us, what's an inexplicable experience that made you believe in the paranormal?

Tell us your story in the comments below, or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post or video in the future!