Wait A Minute, There's A New “Twin Peaks” Trailer And It Is, Excuse Me, Damn Fine

    It is happening again.

    So, Twin Peaks returns to our lives in just a little over one week and my heart is beating faster than Agent Dale Cooper reaching for, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

    And because the Showtime gods are good to us, they've just dropped the latest trailer for the new season (which, for those who don't know, picks up almost 30 years since Twin Peaks last aired) and WOW is it fucking perfect:

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    In this BRAND-NEW FOOTAGE we first see STAIRS — which should give any Twin Peaks fan immediate chills because YOU KNOW WHY:

    We also get to finally see some old faves like Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department legend Lucy Moran:

    But there are also A LOT of newcomers, too — like this lady who's worried about...SOMEONE:

    SO, SO READY for May 21.