19 Times The "It Chapter Two" Cast Was Actually Very Adorable Behind-The-Scenes

    Dancing, blood, and tea...oh my!

    1. When Isaiah Mustafa and Chosen Jacobs demonstrated JUST how perfect the casting was.

    2. And when Jay Ryan and Jeremy Ray Taylor did, too.

    3. When Sophia Lillis took this A+++ video of Wyatt Oleff dancing to "Thong Song."

    4. When Bill Hader got some very animated direction doing ADR.

    5. When Jessica Chastain shared some ~bloody~ love with Muschietti.

    6. And when she demonstrated her A+ screaming, grunting, and tea-drinking skills.

    7. When the Losers did this, uh, very ~interesting~ voice exercise.

    8. When Jaeden, Jeremy, and Wyatt took a break from Derry by visiting Hogsmeade:

    9. When Bill Skarsgård got out-creeped by Muschietti.

    10. When Mustafa shared this matchy-matchy selfie with the Paul Bunyan statue.

    11. When Jaeden Martell took a moment to write "Silver" on the famous movie (and novel) bike.

    12. When James McAvoy spotted Pennywise in the UK and ~ran~ for his life...again.

    13. And when he thought this dessert looked all-too-familiar to the Ritual of Chüd from Chapter Two:

    14. When Wyatt Oleff took a SUPER POLITE selfie with a napping Nicholas Hamilton.

    15. When Jackson Robert Scott did less floating and more Fortnite-dancing.

    16. When Hader and Muschietti got ~super serious~ behind the Derry Town House front desk.

    17. When Oleff jumped and apparently hit his head on a hallway ceiling!?!?

    18. When the kids shared this goofy, but super cute, photo on wrap day for Chapter Two:

    19. And finally, when Muschietti got comfy in the editing suite.