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Tell Us About The Time You Met, Or Interacted With Someone Connected To A Well-Known True Crime Case

If you knew a family member of a notorious serial killer, now's your time to share.

True crime events happen EVERYWHERE, and sometimes closer to home than you might think. So, the likelihood that many of you have either known, met, or interacted with someone connected to a well-known true crime case is actually fairly high.

Ryan Scott Anderson and Gypsy Rose Blanchard are seen leaving 'The View'

Perhaps you lived in the same cul-de-sac as an infamous cult and can remember tons of random people going in and out of that house all the time. Heck, maybe you even had a conversation with one!

Branch Davidian cult leader David Koresh holds a bible

Or maybe you went to school with the family member of a notorious serial killer and remember hearing stories about what life was like for them?

Joseph James DeAngelo, aka the Golden State Killer

It's also possible your experience was far more intense...like when you accidentally got caught up in a serious crime scene just because you knocked on a neighbor's door. (It happens!)

Police investigators look over the crime scene

Whatever your experience may have been — even if it happened to a friend or family member, and not you directly — we'd like to hear about it. Tell us in the comments below or use this completely anonymous form here and your story could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post or video!