19 People Who 100% Nailed What It's Like To Have A Period

    "Going to the bathroom to check if your period started even though you know it hasn't..."

    1. When you've become very in tune with your body:

    2. When it feels like your body is just a computer:

    3. When a Marvel movie somehow summed it all up:

    what it actually feels like when you're on your period

    4. When you realize you didn't sign up for this shit:

    5. When you question if you're just a weird period robot:

    6. When you add up all those years of blood:

    7. When your mind wanders for no logical reason:

    8. When your mind is blown by what its like having periods in other countries:

    9. When you think maybe you have magical powers:

    There’s a real magic in intuitively knowing your period is gonna start overnight and wearing a pad to bed and being right, saving your sheets and the day. https://t.co/ZNKS11x87b

    10. When the most RANDOM thing can set you off:

    11. When you have random AF thoughts:

    12. When...yeah:

    13. When you discover an analogy:

    14. When you have to do this awkward ~dance~:

    15. When you have all the problems, all at once:

    16. When it's clear some dudes don't get it:

    17. When there's maybe one (temporary) positive to your period:

    18. When you're like, "WHY?!?!?" to your period:

    19. And finally, when you can sum the nightmare up in just a few words: