You Haven't Lived Until You've Tried Fluff

    Fluffernutters forever.

    People recently discovered that the sweet, sweet manna known as Fluff is the most "American" food ever.

    Because, as it turns out, you can find it in the "American food" section of just about every international grocery store.

    And, TBH, this makes perfect sense because along with jazz and baseball, Fluff is MAYBE our greatest achievement as a country.

    In case you're not familiar, Fluff is essentially a marshmallow cream made from sugar, egg whites, and vanillin (artificial vanilla extract) and it looks like something straight out of a '50s cookbook.

    But, for real, it tastes damn good. Particularly with plain ol' bread.

    Although the BEST way to eat it is with peanut butter in a sandwich. It's what classical Fluff-lovers call a Fluffernutter.

    Eating a Fluffernutter has been scientifically proven* to instantly transport Fluff lovers RIGHT back to childhood.

    Especially if you're from New England.

    But the American culinary dream doesn't stop there.

    You can make a ~fancy~ Fluffernutter with fruit...

    ...or a ~super-duper fancy~ Fluffernutter with caramelized bananas, bacon, and griddled bread.

    You can add Fluff to bacon fries.

    There's a boozy Fluffernutter milkshake that consists of all your dreams come true.

    Or you can just eat it right out of the jar because LIFE IS TOO DAMN SHORT.

    Fluff is so wonderful there's even a STRAWBERRY version you can fall in love with, too.

    Fans have been known to dress up as Fluff for, yes, an actual Fluff Festival.

    And you can even low-key wear your appreciation for Fluff with one of these bad boys.

    In fact, Fluff is so effing awesome that ASTRONAUTS have brought it into space because, obviously, a true fan cannot live without a Fluffernutter...even in zero G.

    So, let's just take a moment to reflect and to appreciate the Captain America of foods: Fluff.