If You Don't Laugh At All These Finals Week Jokes, You Have No Sense Of Humor And You'll Probably Fail Your Exams

    "I’m in the library stressing over finals while the mf next to me just big chillin' playin' Maplestory."

    1. When celebrating the holidays is a little ~different~ for you:

    2. When you like to lie to yourself:

    3. When you compare yourself to others:

    4. When you think you got this, but you definitely don't got this:

    5. When you get a nasty reminder:

    6. When you tried, you really tried:

    7. When you think you worked harder than you actually did:

    8. When you and your brain do not work together:

    9. Seriously:

    10. When you spoke too soon:

    11. When you have unique methods:

    12. When you make this last-ditch effort:

    13. When you feel like this after it's all over:

    14. When literally everything and everyone is a distraction:

    15. When you want to place the blame on someone else:

    16. And finally, when you can't get finals off the brain: