Everyone Made The Same "Harry Potter" Joke During "Game Of Thrones" And, Frankly, They're All Good

    "Sam is trying to get permission to go into the Restricted Section..."

    While everyone collectively lost their shit over the return of the best show on TV – aka Game of Thrones – a silent hero worked his way through a lot of shit (literally).

    Of course, since then, things haven't gone as ~glamorously~ for him as he'd maybe hoped.

    But, Samwell did catch a glimpse of a very special place, i.e. THE RESTRICTED SECTION of the Citadel's library.

    And everyone had THE SAME joke to make about it, particularly when Jim Broadbent (AKA Professor Slughorn) showed up!

    Here's a gif of what Sam was just doing... #GameOfThrones

    Doesn't Samwell Tarley know he needs an invisibility cloak to get into the restricted section #GameOfThrones

    I said no restricted section Samwell #GameOfThones

    Mischief managed, Samwell.