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16 Boyfriends Who Are So Extra It's Actually Endearing

Warning: This cuteness may induce unexpected vomiting.

1. This boyfriend who bought his girlfriend a pair of goalie gloves because she's a "keeper."

2. This boyfriend who moved as far away as possible when his S.O. complained they could actually hear him eating.

3. This boyfriend who just wanted his girlfriend's things to ~blend~ with his room.

4. This boyfriend who made a "fancy shmancy" dinner for his S.O.

5. And this boyfriend who promised a very similar "fancy" dinner for his date.

6. This boyfriend who wanted to make his sweet gesture ~picture~ perfect.

7. This boyfriend who mistook a George Foreman Grill for a waffle iron.

8. This boyfriend who made the ~sweetest~ apology.

9. And this boyfriend who apologized to his S.O. with a bunch of FLOURS.

10. This boyfriend who is ~hands down~ the best.

11. This boyfriend who was super honest about something totally not real.

12. This boyfriend whose photo game is A+++.

13. This boyfriend who gets a little "carried away" when watching Harry Potter.

14. This boyfriend whose sweet gesture was surprising for the wrong reason.

15. This boyfriend who fell down the stairs and decided to commemorate it instead of fixing it.

16. And finally, this boyfriend who loves to piss off his girlfriend by matching what she's wearing when they go out.