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17 Husbands And Boyfriends Who Are Competing For The "Jerk Of The Year" Award

::side-eye emoji::

1. This boyfriend who commemorated his S.O.'s first fart in front of him with THIS.

2. This boyfriend who got very creative...or was just really bored.

This is how my boy friend "took care of me" when I got blacked out lol

LOL, "safety first."

3. The husband who made this label that his wife hasn't noticed yet.

4. The boyfriend who scared his S.O. with this creepy clown mask not once but FOUR different times.

5. This boyfriend who really has an ~eye~ for fashion.

Thought I looked cute as hell today and my boyfriend told me I look like Pinhead Larry


6. This boyfriend who got his partner the 3-carat ring she asked for.

7. This serious Game of Thrones fan whose girlfriend let him decorate the bathroom.

8. This husband who just COULDN'T resist "writing" on the new pillows his wife bought.

9. This husband who told his wife he left a present for her on her pillow.

10. The boyfriend who gave his girlfriend a very sweet back massage, then sent her a photo of what he ACTUALLY did.

11. The husband who added this finishing touch to his wife's body pillow.

12. This boyfriend who brought his S.O. a bowl of chips and...yeah, no.

13. This boyfriend who isn't wrong, but is definitely IN the wrong.

14. This husband who made his first dad joke when his pregnant wife said she wanted a toasty shower.

15. This boyfriend who made the spongecake that his girlfriend asked for.

16. This boyfriend who used algebra to settle a fight with his girlfriend in the geekiest way possible.

My bf and I were fighting then he says this smh I’m tired of him

FYI, "pemdas" is an acronym for the process of solving math problems: parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.

17. And finally, this boyfriend who got his GF the golden retriever she wanted for her birthday.