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Do You Have A Fascinating Body Abnormality And Want To Share It?

Bodies are amazing.

Fact: Everyone's body is unique and different. Also fact: Some people have a body part that is SO unique and different that they feel inclined to share it with the world. And, honestly, I love it when people share their interesting body abnormalities because it's always really fascinating to see!

So, I'm turning to you, the lovely members of the BuzzFeed Community, and asking: Do you have a fascinating body abnormality and want to share it?

Like, perhaps you're one of the 3 to 5 percent of adults worldwide who has Raynaud's Phenomenon, which causes decreased blood flow to the fingers and other parts of the body?

A hand of someone who has Raynaud's Phenomenon

Or, maybe you were born with a form of heterochromia and have two different colors in your eye?

An eye that's two different colors

Could it be that you have something quite unusual like a tooth in the roof of your mouth?

X-ray of someone's teeth

Heck, maybe it's even something a little more simple, but inexplicable, like a part of your skin that doesn't get goosebumps?

An area of someone's skin that doesn't get goosebumps

Whatever it is, we'd love to see your cool body abnormality and hear your story!! So, SHOW US, what's a fascinating body abnormality that you have that's just too cool to keep to yourself?

Share your story and a photo by submitting to this form (and you can do so anonymously if you like!) for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!