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    22 Relatable Gifs If You've Just Graduated From College

    "No, no, I don't have a job yet but I appreciate you reminding me of my inability to start paying off my student loans. K thanks byeeee." It's a time of so many emotions.

    1. When you've just graduated

    2. That moment when someone asks you if you are excited for what's next for you but you have nothing planned

    3. When you are ready for your first interview

    4. When you see the adult world you are about to enter

    5. When you realized that you just kicked BUTT for so long and you made it

    6. That moment when you realize you have thousands of dollars you'll need to start paying off in a few months

    7. When you realize you are not going back to school

    8. When someone is talking about something and you can apply your "new" knowledge to it

    9. When you hear about people who don't have any student loans or have hardly any

    10. When it's the first time in 16+ years that you've gotten to sleep without having to worry about getting up for school

    11. That moment when it hits you that you have to pay your own bills now

    12. That moment you realize you never learned how to do taxes or anything like that you will really need to know

    13. When someone has a job for post-grad before you even graduate

    14. When people first ask you if you are going to miss school

    15. And then you realize that you really REALLY will miss school

    16. When you truly adult for the first time and it goes flawlessly

    17. When someone asks you what was the most important thing you learned

    18. When you catch a glimpse of your diploma

    19. When you worry about the next time you'll see your college friends again

    20. When people want to talk about how proud they are of you

    21. When you start making money at a job for the first time after your college job

    22. When you realize how far you've come and how much you have conquered