
Will Weinbach

16 year old William Weinbach is an actor, television host, and entrepreneur. William has been featured on NBC, the Ryan Seacrest Show, and other top news outlets to showcase his talents. William is a nationally ranked tennis player who has won many awards for his tennis talents and has been sponsored by both Wilson Tennis and Fila Tennis. William also is the founder and CEO of Cross Court TV, a media outlet specialized to tennis with over 123K followers on Instagram and over 300K followers across all social media outlets, which was able to obtain credentials to some of the biggest tennis tournaments the ATP and WTA has to offer! William is also a television sports news anchor and reporter, and has interviewed top names in the entertainment industry and the sports industry as he has spoken to Dustin Johnson (#1 golfer in the world), Hope Solo (US Women's Goalkeeper), Ryan Seacrest (National Television Host), and even Malcolm Butler (caught game winning super bowl interception). In addition to all of this William has done some acting as well as he was featured in a Fox television pilot, directed his own show Twin Talk and even starred in a Nickelodeon Game Show. William is just 16 years old, but has accomplished great feats in the entertainment and sports industries!

Jun 2017
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