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    The 10 Horrifying Signs That You've Turned Into A Southerner.

    You were Northern through and through. Then you got the job of your dreams/a job that actually paid you money. But it was in London. Everything seemed to be going fine until one day, months on, you came back up north and realised - you'd become ONE OF THEM. The signs were all there - you just didn't realise it.

    1. Cheddar just doesn't cut it anymore.

    2. When you don't get any change from a fiver for a pint, you don't feel a sudden wave of panic.

    3. You have a set way of making your coffee and it's verrry intricate.

    4. You start to laugh openly at other UK cities' puny attempts at public transport.

    5. It's weird if people make an effort in what they wear when they go out to eat.

    6. Two words. Bread Sauce.

    7. You visit other town centres and have to force yourself not to ask "is this it?"

    8. You smile smugly if you see people pressing the "Open Door" button on the tube.

    9. If a stranger tries to talk to you, you don't immediately greet them with open arms.

    10. A salad for lunch doesn't seem weird anymore.