This Baby Orca Is Loving The Hell Out Of Life

    Having a whale of a time.

    Four orca calves and their families have made their home in the Haro Straight between San Juan Island and Vancouver Island. One of the babies, named J50, recently put on a show of breaching that will make your heart burst out of your chest. LOOK AT HER!!!

    J50 is "loving the hell out of life" and inspiring people everywhere.

    This is orca baby J50, just loving the hell out of life (photo Clint Rivers, Eagle Wing Tours)

    "She makes my heart soar!"

    @thedavidcrosby @mashable I love J50 she makes my heart soar!

    But whoa on the potty mouth, Diane!

    Her leaping ability could make her a star out of the water, too.

    People are falling completely in love with J50, the freeest, happiest orca on the planet.

    Just try to look at this joyous airborne orca and not smile.