• CA Election 2015 badge

People Can't Stop Watching This Vine Of Elizabeth May Dropping A Peace Sign

Peace, love and sassiness.

At the start of the first French-language debate, the leaders came together for a very friendly and cheerful group pose.

As they separated, Elizabeth May dropped a super sassy peace sign for the people.


Her wry smile after the group handshake signaled something was coming.

Wait for it...

Owned it.

Sassy Elizabeth May is making a strong pitch for undecided voters.

If you're undecided re: who to vote for, consider sassy Elizabeth May

@LoopEmma @SANDRAYYCNW I don't care about the environment, but I'm going to vote for her because of this

Loop it forever.

@LoopEmma @drewfoundland I've watched this 47 times now and can't stop laughing

Live it.

Current mood: Elizabeth May sassy peace sign vine.

Aaaand she's out.

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