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The Translators For The Munk Debate Pretty Much Stole The Show

Seriously, what was his accent, and why was she so out of breath?

Hey hey, it's debate time. The Munk Debate on foreign affairs promised to be unique, in part, because it's the only bilingual debate of the election.

Things got off to a strange start. People thought they heard the male translator for CPAC say something a bit off.

Pretty sure the translator just said "I'd first like to welcome our WHITE audience", so things are off to a good start. #munkdebate

Did the translator open with 'welcome to the white audience?" #MunkDebate

Then everyone tried to figure out his accent. Was he from New Zealand?

The Translator @cpac gets for the #MunkDebate is from #newzealand!?

No, wait. Australia, right?

The translator appears to be Australian. #MunkDebate

I'm sorry but why is the French translator for the #MunkDebate Australian? Weird

We've obtained an exclusive, unconfirmed photo of the male translator at work.

The U.K.?

this might be worth watching, the French translator is…British? #MunkDebate

I miss the Scottish translator #MunkDebate

Spain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also love the native spanish speaker translator. It adds a certain Latin flair. #MunkDebate

I have a Super big crush on this translator, everyone. #MunkDebate


His accent proved a bit confusing.

All party leaders would benefit from adopting the translator's Australian accent. #MunkDebate

Hugh Jacklator was translating for all three leaders and the moderator. Also confusing!

Unlike the French language debate last week, all the speakers seem to have been assigned the same translator (with Brit accent.) #MunkDebate

Dear #MunkDebate: having the same translator for each speaker is rather confusing

Seriously, though.

What in the shit is going on with this translator? #MunkDebate

But then the male translator took a break, and in came a female translator. People were a little suspicious.

Oh, now it just sounds like the same translator pretending to use a lady's voice #MunkDebate

And... excited?

New translator is a GAME CHANGER! #MunkDebate #elxn42

Honestly, she seemed a bit out of breath at first.

A new translator - who already seems a bit stressed and hoarse. #MunkDebate

This translator. I can't. Someone get this person an oxygen tank. #MunkDebate

This new translator seems like she's also a master thespian. Too much emotion... #MunkDebate

Here's a sample of her translation style.

Seriously what's wrong with this translator #MunkDebate #cdnpoli

Everyone tried describe her voice.

Is this translator the French version of Siri? #MunkDebate

This translator sounds like a cross between Julia Child and the Chicken Lady from Kids in the Hall... #MunkDebate

What's the deal with this translator??? Siri meets Air Canada flight attendant. #MunkDebate

Is she crying? Is the translator crying? #MunkDebate

Female translator = entertaining hybrid of Fran Drescher, Karen Walker and Yoda. #MunkDebate

She was an acquired taste, OK? But remember that simultaneous translation is really hard work.

How people on my feed are responding to this female translator... #elxn42 #MunkDebate

Whoa, easy.

People started to miss Hugh Jacklator's enigmatic translation style.

Where is that fake South African translator when you need him? #MunkDebate

Like when he'd pronounce Canada as "Cana-der."


I miss you, sexy Australian translator #MunkDebate

And then, as if summoned by the frustration of a thousand Canadians watching CPAC for the first time, Hugh Jacklator returned.

YES! the Australian Translator is back #MunkDebate

Basically, nobody was happy with the translation.

Aw, bring back the animated lady translator! 🙅 #MunkDebate #elxn42

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