30 Strange Things That Could Only Happen In Nova Scotia

    You call that a donair?

    1. When Nova Scotia Power blamed outages on squirrels, crows, seagulls and "salty fog."

    2. When a TV series involving a bunch of weed-smoking, rum-drinking, shopping cart-stealing high school drop-outs became a big hit and a local institution.

    3. This sign at the liquor store.

    4. A very expensive lobster theft.

    5. This Cape Bretoner's "redneck snowplow."

    6. "Barrett's Privateers" as a church sermon.

    Only in Halifax would that be considered a hymn

    7. When a guy created a Twitter account about dumb people who go out too far on the rocks at Peggys Cove.

    So uh, any thoughts, Charles Darwin? #peggyscove #moronsofpeggyscove

    8. When city bureaucrats were tasked with preparing an official report about naming the donair Halifax's official food.

    9. When Food Network came up with something they called a "Nova Scotia Donair Kebab"...

    Just popped up on my FB lol T'is a crime to call that a donair

    10. And people were having none of it.

    11. This meal preparation.

    Blowtorching dinner. Donair Meat east coast style.

    12. A batshit crazy political scandal involving an MLA being bitten by his (former) lover at a a park called "The Dingle."

    13. This car accident.

    14. When a groom left his own wedding reception to plow-out his guests during a snowstorm.

    15. This response to the Rob Ford crack scandal.

    16. This lobster trap Christmas tree, featuring "Santa Claws."

    17. This pairing.

    @UweBollocks Peak Nova Scotia up in hurr

    18. This shade-throwing ad.

    So Nova Scotia put this up in the middle of downtown Toronto :)

    OK, technically the ad ran in Toronto — but there's no ad if you ain't got no Scotia to begin with.

    19. A fog-delayed baseball game.

    Ballgame called on account of fog is so Nova Scotia.

    20. When Cape Breton MP Rodger Cuzner and a mall security guard named Chris chased down a shoplifter who'd stolen two duvets from The Bay.

    View this video on YouTube


    21. ...and the shoplifter paused mid-escape to light a smoke!

    @pdmcleod "Boys, boys, time out. Got a dart?"

    22. This graffiti.

    23. These street names.

    25. A band named Donair Supply.

    26. When this guy wore his best weed outfit to catch a glimpse of Snoop Dogg while he was filming a scene with the Trailer Park Boys in Bible Hill.

    27. And then he became a local celebrity forever known as Weed Kid.

    28. When it looked like this two days before the official start of spring.

    Did someone not tell #winter that #spring is 2 days away in #Halifax #WinterISurrender

    29. And people were like:

    This person has it right! #novascotia #nsstorm

    30. When a Bridgewater man got drunk, drove his lawnmower to the liquor store, and then parked it at Wendy's to get a bite.