After Being Rejected By One Dance Studio, An Edmonton Girl With Down Syndrome Is Now Tearing It Up

    Ana is preparing for her first competition.

    Sonja Malaniuk took her daughter, Ana, to enroll in a dance class in Edmonton. But the teacher said Ana, who has Down syndrome, couldn't join. "We were told she wasn't welcome, she wasn't to their standards," Malaniuk told Global News.

    So Malaniuk brought Ana to Amanda’s Academy of Dance, where they welcomed her and began teaching her hip hop and other styles.

    Now Ana is tearing it up, as you can see in a video that was shared by the Canadian Down Syndrome Society. "This studio has been amazing to Ana and her friends with Down syndrome," Malaniuk said on Facebook.

    Sonja Malaniuk / Via Facebook: cdndownsyndrome

    Ana is now preparing for her first competition. “She’s met so many friends,” Malaniuk said. “Her confidence has grown hugely and she just loves it.
