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    Reasons Why You Should Appreciate Your Mother More

    Who would have known becoming an independent adult makes you appreciate all the work your mother have done for you all these years?

    Mother's day is a perfect day for thinking and reflecting over your relationship with your beloved mother. After all, she is the most important woman in your life, no matter what your girlfriend tells you. Here are some of my thoughts about the importance of motherhood, that I wish I would have realized and appreciated sooner.

    Doing laundry is a science

    I used to think that doing laundry was a manageable task that every adult could do. Now that I consider myself as some kind of an adult, I finally realize that I've never been so wrong. Washing jeans inside out. Do not wash jeans. Wash jeans, but without using detergent. No wonder people get confused, and this example does not even mention the problems related to different colors and fabrics, or that you need to be an engineer to understand the different washing machine programs.

    Grocery shopping is not just a job for one person

    Grocery shopping is a task that requires your best concentration in order to make the right decisions. One of my biggest struggles in my life is to decide what to have for dinner in the next couple of days. It is not a decision that I take lightly. Who knows if I am in the mood for tacos, pizza or hamburgers on Friday? I am glad my mother were responsible for these decisions for a large part of my life. I am still not ready for that kind of commitment.

    Your mother sacrificed a lot for you

    This may sound strange, but your mother may actually have other hobbies and interests besides yourself. Chances are that you being born complicated many of her plans. I bet your mother wanted to travel, join a book club or maybe paint. This was before you came along and consumed all her time and ruined her economy. Hope you feel good about yourself.

    You do not need Mother's day to appreciate your mother

    Even if you feel good about yourself for buying a Hallmark card for two dollars, it does not make up for neglecting her for the rest of the year. You should not be dependent on a holiday created by companies in order to generate more demand and profit, to do something nice for your mother. I bet she would appreciate you saying that you love her, give her a hug, and do something nice for her. Maybe it would be even more powerful on days that are not Mother's day. Love your dear mother every day.