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    Reasons I Love You Darling

    You're just the most amazing man in the world. i love you so much.

    You make me so happy.

    You cheer me up on my worst days.

    The boys and I always know if we are with you we're safe.

    You have the most beautiful smile.

    You let me wear all of your clothes and i always get to take the ones i really like.

    The way you lose your words and don't want to talk about it.

    You are a hero, my hero.

    The way i think you get excited to decorate for birthdays with me.

    I look at you and just know we will spend our lives together.

    You smell amazing.

    You have the epic ability of always picking out great shows and movies.

    There isn't a jar or bottle in existence that you cant open.

    Our late night/ early morning walks.

    When we made my skirt even though the sewing machine was being an asshole.

    After two years i still get butterflies and smile at my phone when i see you messaged.

    How you save me in COD and kill people that get my Dalamars if you're close by.

    You eat literally everything i make even if it has something you don't like.

    The way i fall more and more in love with you with every passing day.

    Your kisses make me feel unexplainable.

    There is so much more i could say and i will. you're everything to me.