18 Of The Best Reactions To The Dora Milaje In Episode 4 Of "The Falcon And The Winter Soldier"

    All hail the Dora Milaje. Period.

    In case you live under a rock, Marvel's latest release The Falcon and The Winter Soldier has been streaming for a few weeks now and it is fantastic.

    Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan in "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier"

    The show is simultaneously hilarious, heartwarming, and moving thanks to Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan's iconic banter and unflinching vulnerability. It can't get any better than that, right?

    Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan sitting across from each other in "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier"

    Enter: the Dora Milaje. The kickass women warriors from Wakanda made an appearance in the latest episode of TFATWS and, somehow, the show became even better than it already was.

    Two of the Dora Milaje warriors (Florence Kasumba and Zola Williams) in the latest episode of "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier"

    And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Here is a roundup of the best reactions to the Dora Milaje in Episode 4 of TFATWS:

    (Spoilers below!)


    my life the dora milaje beating the fuck outta john walker

    Twitter: @YELCNABELCVA


    One of the best MCU moments there’s ever been. “The Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever the Dora Milaje find themselves to be” PERIOD

    Twitter: @MajorPhilebrity


    It's been spoiled for about 5 days now, so: The Dora Milaje took ALL they vibranium back for a hot second, just to remind America that whatever they got is on loan. It is a very African-centered concept of community on display, ...

    Twitter: @scottwoodssays

    "...that just because we handed it to you doesn't mean it serves only your purpose. It must still serve the village. And when it doesn't, we can take it back. I shiver at the implications of that value in action today, with everything Black people have given this country."


    #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier spoilers . . . . Yeah sex is good but have you tried watching John Walker get his ass kicked by the Dora Milaje?

    Twitter: @177A_BleeckerSt


    Okay but the fact that #JohnWalker used stolen super solider serum right after he got his ass handed to him by the #DoraMilaje? A group of non-juiced, principled, kick-ass black women? Give me a better example of white fragility. Go on, I’ll wait. #FalconAndWinterSoldier

    Twitter: @eldritchseal


    #FalconAndWinterSoldier spoilers . . . . . . . the dora milaje owned this episode. they put john in his place after he had the audacity to touch ayo and tell her to back off, and they made him feel insecure after he lost, that’s queen shit right there 👑💅

    Twitter: @jedibeifong



    Yeah the falcon and the winter soldier is better than Wandavision. I’m sorry but it’s true. THE DORA MILAJE TAKING OFF BUCKY’S ARM IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIGHT AND HIS FACE RIGHT AFTER??? NOTHING CAN BEAT THAT.

    Twitter: @chelsmilk


    Episode 4 of #FalconAndWinterSoldier is WILD John Walker: I’m Captain America Ayo and the Dora Milaje

    Twitter: @abad8ii


    “The Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever the Dora Milaje find themselves to be.” Okay, ENERGY.

    Twitter: @theferocity


    #FalconAndWinterSoldier Ayo: “The Dora Milaje has jurisdiction wherever the Dora Milaje find themselves to be." Me:


    Tumblr.com / @tessxblxckthorn


    #FalconAndWinterSoldier when John Walker called the Dora milaje’s spears ‘pointy sticks’.. MICROAGRESSION

    Twitter: @LFokam


    #FalconAndTheWinterSoldier spoilers - - - - - - - Bucky was at peace in this moment, watching John Walker get his ass handed to him by the Dora Milaje and honestly, same

    Twitter: @sierra_nicoole



    Whenever you feel stupid, just remember that John Walker thought he had a chance against the Dora Milaje. #Ayo #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier

    Twitter: @itsjustanotherx


    18. In conclusion, don't mess with the Dora Milaje.

    Dora Milaje never stop training! Video posted in Dec 2020 with the caption "Just a little something some of us did during quarantine" In order of appearance Florence Kasumba, Jenel Stevens, Marie Mouroum, Niahlah Hope, Zola Williams, Maria Hippolyte, & Marija Juliette Abney

    Twitter: @falconsoldierTV

    The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is streaming now on Disney+.