12 Times "SpongeBob SquarePants" Perfectly Described Being A Dancer

    Because SpongeBob is a good dancer too, right?

    1. When your teacher uses your body to model the choreography.

    2. When you’re trying to go across the floor en pointe.

    3. When your jam starts playing during jazz stretches.

    4. When you hit a perfect grande jeté while exiting the stage.

    5. When there are five minutes left of Zumba and your body feels like jello.

    6. When the announcer at a competition pronounces your name incorrectly during the awards ceremony.

    7. When your parents and friends are in the audience during your solo performance.

    8. When your teacher stretches each person during class.

    9. When your teacher compliments how well you lifted your partner.

    10. When your recital costumes finally come in.

    11. When you and your friend get a special part during a dance.

    12. When you fall out of your turn sequence.

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