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    When You're An Adult Who Doesn't Like Kids

    Biological clock, tick away...

    When people ask you if you want kids

    And any time a child comes within a 10 foot radius you’re just like

    You seriously cannot understand why your friends babysit

    And when people show you baby pictures you have to remind yourself to act normal

    When someone asks you to hold their baby you're like

    You avoid Toys R Us and Babies R Us like the damn plague

    And when extended family members bring their kids on holidays it may as well be like

    When you're seated next to a baby on an airplane

    And when said baby starts crying on the plane you're just like

    When you find yourself alone with a kid

    But on the inside all you want to do is this

    When you get an evite to a baby shower

    And subsequently find yourself in the baby section of Target just wanting to do this

    And yes you have to deal with the mothers that think you have a black hole for a heart

    But you do you, with or without kids