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    Lift Your House Into The Air: I'm Not Making This Up!

    So, has anyone actually wondered how many balloons it would take to lift a house into the air? Now, you can see how many it would take you to do it yourself. Hint: You'll need a lot of helium.

    Lift Your House with Balloons By Movoto Real Estate

    If you don't like it here, take your home somewhere else!

    Many people have talked about seceding, moving to the burbs or middle America, etc. etc. etc.

    Well, now you can! Sure, it'll cost you an arm and the other arm and both legs, but hey, could you think of a more creative way to say "Forget you, I'm outta here?!"

    The idea for this was inspired by the Disney movie "Up!" The premise was surmised by several blogs, including Slate and Wired, who tried to estimate how many balloons it would take to do something similar.

    But never before have we been able to see just how many balloons it would take to strap up our house and lift it Up Up and Away!