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11 (Screwed) People Who Need A Better Tour Guide

Sometimes, trips go badly. Very badly. It's a universal part of the human experience. But it doesn't have to be part of your experience: Think of Contiki Vacations as your ultimate tour guide. They'll help plan an awesome trip with people you'll love and you won't end up in trouble like these poor suckers.

9 People You Don't Want To Travel With

Don't let random traveling companions turn your dream vacation into a shenanigan-stuffed nightmare. Let Contiki plan your next adventure. Their on-the-ground experts will link you up with fun, like-minded travelers aged 18-35 to ensure you don't get stuck with these notorious trip-killers.

11 Weird Souvenirs From Europe

For those of you looking for off-the-beaten-path gift ideas, we humbly submit the following treasures from across the pond. Want to find your own bizarro souvenirs first hand? See Europe like you have never seen it with Contiki Tours, the travel and adventure experts for the 18-35 set.