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    This Girl From The '70s Is Literally Napoleon Dynamite

    All of your wildest dreams have just come true.

    Everyone remembers Napoleon Dynamite's amazing dance routine during his school assembly. But just in case you don't here's a reminder.

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    BigScreenVideos / Via

    And this is Paula Shires who is LITERALLY the 1970s version of Napoleon Dynamite. Just check out her amazing moves.

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    Virgil Akers / Via

    Napoleon's dance starts with gentle swaying...

    As does Paula's. Coincidence?

    Here's Napoleon wow-ing the crowd with his jazz hands.

    And here's Paula doing the EXACT SAME THING!

    Is this Napoleon or Paula?

    Getting a little hard to tell, isn't it?

    Theres this closeup shot of Napoleon's sexy moon boots.

    And heres a closeup of Paula's boots. THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON!