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10 Heartwarming Ways People Have Stayed Connected During Social Distancing

The Connections Project is encouraging us all to reach out and stay connected. This list of ways people are doing just that is guaranteed to make you smile!

We asked the BuzzFeed Community how they're staying connected during this time of social distancing. Take a look at all the cute ways they said they're showing up for each other, and maybe you'll get some new ideas to stay connected, too!

1. "I’ve been providing baked goods to my friends and neighbors with this fun basket delivery system!"

2. "Mother’s Day visit with Great Granny and Layla Grace❤️❤️."

3. "We schedule [video chat] slumber parties with my daughter's friends...

4. "My friend and I had been planning a food adventure at a local noodle restaurant...

5. "Every morning my sister and I video-call each other and dance to a song of our choice. (We alternate who picks.)...

6. "Here's how I'm spending time with my grandson who lives four hours away. We have on 'play face masks' in this pic."

7. "Every Saturday night, my husband and our two sons play [video games] over [livestreaming] with my brother-in-law who lives eight hours away ❤."

8. "My boyfriend has adorable little nieces that we usually visit weekly...

9. "The Senior Moments Social Facebook Group was set up to show seniors we can get through this together...

10. "I've tried to make it a point to do something for others at least twice a month, usually when I get paid...

Note: Submissions have been edited for length, grammar, and/or clarity.

Learn more at The Connections Project!