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Tell Us The Innovative Ways You’ve Stayed Connected During Social Distancing

#NowMoreThanEver it's important to stay connected and show up for each other through the ups and downs. Share all the ways you and your loved ones have shown up for each other and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed story. Visit The Connections Project to learn more.

Social distancing is our new normal, so we've had to get a lot more creative than usual in how we connect with people. We wanna hear all about the funny and heartwarming ways YOU'VE been showing up for others!

Perhaps you planned a virtual dance party for your friends to lift everyone's spirits.

Or maybe an old college buddy hosted a virtual game night for your birthday.

Have you found new ways to give back to people and communities in need?

Set up any video-chat dates for a single friend recently...or were you the one set up?

Or have you given or received an unexpected gift or kind gesture that left you overcome with emotion and happy tears?

And if you've found a way to celebrate good news, we want to know about that, too!

We want to know about EVERYTHING! Tell us in the comment section below: How have you showed up for others and how have they showed up for you, in the good times and not so good times, during social distancing? The best responses could be featured in a future BuzzFeed sponsored post.

Feel free to upload photos to go along with your stories. Videos from your social media handle can be embedded. Just drop the link!

(Just a heads-up — anything you send us is covered by the regular BuzzFeed User Terms.)

Additional thumbnail images from Thinkstock/Getty Images.