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    5 Ways To Not Do Your Schoolwork While Social Distancing

    Taking on new ideas for procrastination and why it might be happening.

    With supposed impending doom looming overhead, you might have noticed your social media, news outlets, television, and any sort of means of communication you have becoming ravenously active. As we seek to distance ourselves from each other, we put our professional and academic lives on a screen to try and continue to stay productive. But how can we when toilet paper is the new means of currency and every other post on Facebook or Twitter is hilariously related to that notion? So let's look at some ways we can continue to procrastinate and avoid productivity while averting crisis and potential doom! Sounds great right? Before we get to the good stuff, let's talk a little about what it is that's actually going on. According to a communication theory referred to as "social shaping of technology" you might say our current social values (social distancing, avoiding COVID-19, etc.) is 'shaping' the way we use technology, thus in turn shaping us in return. How so? Well, like I mentioned above, you may have noticed an interestingly high volume of means referring to toilet paper shortages. A real social concern masked through humorous internet media. But why? Could this be a coping mechanism we use to help divert emotional energy away from fear and worry? Perhaps so. We can confidently say, however, that our society has shaped this one area of technological communication (memes). This is a cause of a lot of my procrastination since memes are so abundant and usually relatable in these times.

    1. Memes - As you might expect with what was written first, this is the first way to surely avoid your responsibilities.

    2. Watching the News - Of course, the news media dominates most of daytime television as we sift through various reports from around the world, different experts stepping forward with various theories and explanations for what's to come and so on. This is a great way to distract yourself. Of course, unfortunate side affects might include a heightened sense of fear and worry, which of course can not be good for you. However, we see a different, perhaps negative view of our social impact on technology. Our social situation has in fact shaped a once somewhat positive outlet of media into a potentially negative outlet.

    3. Streaming Services - This is a popular one for sure and has experienced probably the most dramatic and exceptional examples of generosity from our streaming service providers to help our troubled minds as we ride out the corona-wave. Providing comfort and hope, many services like Disney+ and Netflix are releasing exclusive content that wouldn't normally appear to help ease our nerves. Generous, right? Disney+ is releasing Onward, a theater-only film at the moment, so that we might get to see this new awesome content!

    4. Music - The classic and probably most obvious choice. This one has remained relatively unchanged to our current situation, however, I'm willing to bet streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music are seeing increased user activity and probably a few additions to their premium and paid subscribers. This is good though, new artists who might not have gotten the exposure they would need if we hadn't had to quarantine ourselves indoors. So go team quarantine! Supporting local artists!

    5. Actually sitting down and doing your work - Wow, OK, probably not the solution you were looking for, but let's be honest here, that work isn't going to do itself! However, we can use the four things above to help take a break from the mundane, day-in-day-out working from home vibe. But let's look at it this way; maybe take a break from the memes, the news, the Netflix, and the music by doing a little work! Makes sense right? Sort of, I'll admit.

    But seriously though, everything that's going on right now in the world is a perfect example of how our social situation shapes technology and in turn shapes us. We might discover new music because we're forced or at least more inclined to use Spotify premium more often, or we might discover a new TV series that's actually pretty decent since we now have the time to sit down and watch it, even if it's out of pure boredom. As we are pushed further and further away, technology may actually, weirdly be helping us come back together.