This Glow-In-The-Dark “Harry Potter” Re-Design Will Blow Your Mind


    Prepare yourself, because these Harry Potter redesigns are about to obliviate your memory of the original covers.

    Hungarian design student Kincső Nagy told BuzzFeed via email that when she designed the project she wanted to use abstract images "to help the reader to concentrate on their own vision."

    The best part: THE COVERS GLOW IN THE DARK.

    Nagy said the effect was created using a white spray paint that contained phosphorescent grains "so it glows in the dark with strong blue color."

    Nagy also illustrated Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone with full-color stenciled artwork.

    The drawings are incredibly detailed, like this one of the Hogwarts castle.

    There's a fold-out of the Forbidden Forest.

    And an actually invisible trip to the library's Restricted Section.

    And here's the Norbert-hatching-from-Hagrid's-egg fold-out that could literally give you life.

    Regarding her future plans, Nagy said, "If I continue — and I hope I can — I would do the next volume, [Harry Potter and] the Chamber of Secrets."

    Check out the rest of the illustrations and the artist's other work here.