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    11 Life-Changing Lessons We Learned From "She's The Man"

    "It absorbs right up!"

    1. When it comes to foreplay, cheese talk is fair game.

    2. Nosebleeds can be thwarted by a certain female toiletry.

    3. Table etiquette is optional.

    4. Self-encouragement is the best antidote for self-doubt.

    5. Chicks dig male pattern baldness.

    6. In the dating game, there's a proportional relationship between the quality of a woman's ass and the quality of man's face.

    7. Heels have two very specific, slightly sinister functions.

    8. A positive attitude can cure the most awkward of high-five fails.

    Approach your next high-five burn with Sebastian Hastings's positivity and nonchalance, and you'll be laughing!

    9. Beauty is only skin deep.

    10. A certain allergy can save you from P.E. class for the rest of your days.

    11. And the heart wants what the heart wants.

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