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    Humans Of New York Posted A Quote From A Korean War Vet And It Escalated Quickly

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    On Saturday, Humans of New York posted a photo of a Veteran from the Korean War, and no one was ready for what he had to say.

    The quote read:

    "I had a ton of fun during the Korean War. There were 10-15 gay soldiers on the base. As long as we weren't seen doing anything, they could't discharge us. So we all rented a hotel room once a month, plastered the wall with Playbills from A Streetcar Named Desire, and had lots of sex."

    Well, didn't see that coming.

    But even better than the quote itself were some of the comments on Facebook.

    This woman basically summed up all of our responses:

    Then, naturally, puns ensued:

    Some people were amazed by Brandon's (the man behind HONY) ability to get people to share so much.

    Others were just amazed by their need for decor...

    One guy felt particularly inspired by the story:

    While another was impressed by the vet's mad game:

    In the end, most people loved the story, then reminded us that old people were once young too:

    And saw that there's a silver lining in every situation:

    But most importantly, they thanked him...

    ...then, subtly reminded us that sexual orientation has nothing to do with your service to this country.

    Thank you HONY! USA!