If You've Ever Been Overlooked As A WD Or WA — This Post Is For You!

    "Take out one of the wings!" — every idiot on the sideline everywhere.

    1. Because WA and WD are always up for a laugh — on and off the court.

    2. Because having a great WD is like having a shot of coffee in the morning — they'll always pick you up when you're feeling tired.

    3. Because, while the GA and GS tend to get all the glory for team goals, all good netballers will know that WA is actually the real playmaker.

    4. Even though they're WAY too humble to actually claim credit for that.

    5. Because having a good WD is like having an extra set of eyes and they always know where you need to be.

    6. Because when it comes to a centre pass, the WA is always ready for the quick break.

    7. And because they're a little pocket rocket — always finding space at exactly the right time.

    8. Because WD is the GK's ROCK when it comes to baseline throw-ins.

    9. Because once the ball is with the shooters, you can bet the WA is either in the pocket or at the top of the circle, ready and waiting for that quick pass.

    10. Because when the WD switches to C, you finally understand the glorious power of a defensive centre.

    11. Because WA is always ready with the "here if you need!" because they are, in fact, always there if you need them.

    12. Because the WD knows how to take a stand just as well as a GD or GK.

    13. And because they're not scared to remind you — it's just a game.

    14. Because both WAs and WDs are always like, super chill.

    15. And finally, because both positions are ALWAYS team players.

    So which position do you think is better? Tell us in the comments below!