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    31 Things From Walmart That’ll Make Your Day-To-Day Feel More Productive

    I'm not saying these products will magically make you productive, but I'm not *not* saying that...

    1. A Keurig machine so you can make your morning coffee routine as efficient as possible. Just pop in a K-Cup and press the button. While it's brewing you can get your lunch all packed up, and before you know it, you'll be perking yourself up for a caffeinated, productive day.

    the black Keurig brewing a single cup of coffee

    2. A Bluetooth sleep headband with built-in speakers for the side-sleepers who need music, white noise, or other audio to fall asleep, but can't stand uncomfy earbuds digging in (I feel your pain). With this, you'll get a restful night's sleep and wake up feeling ready to be super productive!

    Model sleeping on pillow with the headband over eyes. caption bubble reads "3 in 1, sleep headphones, bluetooth eye mask and bluetooth sports headband

    3. A motivational time-marked half-gallon water bottle if you struggle with staying hydrated. Remembering to drink water can be the first thing to go when you're on a super productive work streak, but this will keep all your goals on track.

    Model drinking from the pink water bottle while working out

    4. A mini egg cooker because breakfast is the most important meal of a productive day. What could be better than a handy device to quickly cook up omelets and boil or poach eggs? Nothing I can think of.

    the turquoise egg cooker next to sliced eggs on a cutting board

    5. A robot vacuum and mop that you can schedule to clean the floors every day. In other words, this is how you outsource your chores to achieve maximum productivity.

    the vacuum in white

    6. A to-do list notepad so you can list out the day's priorities, appointments and tasks, and even track meals and hydration. Then just rip off the top page to start again tomorrow!

    7. A pack of six dry erase kids' chore charts to make sure the little ones follow through with helping out around the house. It's also a handy way to keep them disciplined and motivated to earn a reward for working hard!

    the chore chart affixed to wall behind desk

    8. A powerful, handheld turbo garment steamer because I guarantee you'll feel like you're on your A-game wearing clothes that are wrinkle-free, bacteria-free (99.9%), and odor-free. Plus, it's way faster than ironing with just a 40-second charge period providing up to 20 minutes of steam time!

    A model uses the steamer to press out wrinkles on a blanket

    9. An Instant Pot to make cooking fast and fun — even for those who really hate cooking. This thing can pressure cook, slow cook, steam, sauté, brown, and warm, thus letting you make delish meals without investing tons of time or energy. Win-win!

    Instapot sits behind a main course of slow-roasted beef with veggies and sides of sautéed mushrooms and broccoli, and fluffy jasmine rice

    10. A handheld vacuum sealer because you'll feel more efficient knowing you're preserving frozen foods, leftovers, fresh produce and more for weeks to come!

    Someone holding the small handheld sealer over a vacuum seal bag and pull excess air out to store and preserve fresh celery stalks

    11. A Revlon 2-in-1 hair styling tool that dries hair while simultaneously straightening, smoothing and adding a bit of volume, thus giving you the "I'm-ready-to-crush-it" confidence that comes with a sleek hairdo.

    Model using the tool to straighten and dry hair with text reading "for extra volume hold longer at the root"

    12. A portable charging bank since it's tough to get things done on-the-go when your devices die. With this, you can quickly power up your phone or laptop to crank out that work assignment or make that important phone call.

    Model holding the portable charger with smartphone

    13. A six-tool combo kit if your idea of productivity is finishing a new DIY project each week. This set has six cordless power tools (all powered by one interchangeable 20-volt battery) to help you chip away at your projects day by day.

    The Hart tool kit with black carrying case

    14. A pet hair remover to clean up all that distracting fur that's all over your home with just a few easy swipes. Plus, you won't even have to bother with replacement sticky tapes or adhesives. So simple, yet so effective!

    The remover wand being rolled on a couch to trap and remove hair

    15. A Method daily shower spray since just a few spritz of this every time you shower will keep the soap scum and hard water stains at bay, meaning you'll have to clean the tub way less often. My mom stationed these in all of our bathrooms growing up, and clearly it worked well because she'd always know if one of us (*cough cough* my brother) wasn't using it regularly. Apparently, it made the shower a lot harder to clean. 😬

    16. A Wi-Fi range extender because we live in the digital age, which means that 90% of our daily productivity requires a strong internet connection – and this will make sure you get a strong signal in every nook and cranny of the house.

    the range extender plugged into an outlet

    17. A portable UV sanitizing case to disinfect your phone while also keeping it conveniently out of sight so you can stay focused on work. And as an extra reward for putting it away, you can use the aromatherapy feature to infuse your device with the scent of essential oils.

    Before showing microscope image of germs on smartphone then phone is placed in case with cartoon germs shown leaving phone, then after photo shows someone using the now clean smartphone

    18. A mini desktop vacuum cleaner so you can keep your workspace clean. I don't know about you, but I find a dirty desk super distracting (and also just icky!).

    the black circular desktop vacuum cleaning up paper shreds on desk next to keyboard

    19. A pair of blue-light-filtering glasses for anyone who tends to get a mid-afternoon headache from staring at the screen too long. These can potentially reduce eye strain and even sleep disruption brought on by blue light. Plus, they're pretty stylish. Just saying.

    a model wearing the glasses in black

    20. A hanging door sign that will remind your office mates (which could include pesky family members or roommates) not to enter the room and disrupt your Zoom meeting. Although, I suppose you don't actually need to be in a meeting to use this, so long as everyone thinks you're in a meeting, you'll get peace and quiet...hehe.

    The hanging doorknob sign reading "please do not disturb meeting in progress"

    21. A mesh organizer with three slide-out drawers to keep all your pens, paperclips, files and other important office supplies neat and tidy instead of cluttering up the workspace. Not to mention, you won't have to waste all that time digging around for something when you need it.

    the black mesh organizer filled with supplies like calculator notebook pens stapler and phone

    22. An essential oil diffuser because aromatherapy isn't just for relaxing, it's also great for energizing your mind and body. Pro tip: try a eucalyptus oil for a stimulating brain boost.

    The brown wood diffuser on a yoga block next to someone meditating

    23. A pack of colorful gel pens if you like to organize your notes in different colors...or think you might actually take notes when there's fun ink involved.

    Someone taking notes in different colors with the gel pens

    24. A memory foam lumbar support pillow because it's hard to focus when all you can think is "omg my back hurts so badly right now." Not only will you get more done at the office, but you'll also be able to actually do more than just rest on the couch once you're home.

    25. An electric-powered adjustable standing desk so you can switch things up to keep the blood flowing and the good ideas coming. Work standing up for a bit, sit down, stretch, stand up again, and so on!

    the brown wood desk at chair level with monitor and speakers

    26. An adjustable laptop stand to give your neck a break without necessarily going all-out with a standing desk. This also works as a recipe book holder too. Whether you're in the office or kitchen, this will give you the ~optimal~ setup for being productive.

    the laptop stand being used in different scenarios to hold computers, and books, and recipes

    27. A pair of Beats noise-cancelling headphones so you can tune out any distracting sounds whenever you need to focus. And since they have a battery life of 22 hours, you needn't worry about them dying and disrupting your ~flow state.~

    the headphones in white

    28. An Apple watch SE that just might help you stay on track when it comes to your fitness and health goals. Tracking my workouts/daily steps and working towards closing my rings each day is sometimes just the kick of motivation I need to move my body.

    the silver apple watch with blue wristband

    29. A budget planner that will make tracking your daily, weekly and monthly spending an absolute piece of cake. Now you can spend less time stressing about financial planning and more time making the moolah and spending efficiently.

    30. A reversible yoga mat because even just a few minutes of mindful breathing and stretching can do wonders for your productivity. Whether it's an energizing morning yoga session, midday stretch or evening meditation, this mat is here to help you work in movement that best serves you!

    The purple and pink reversible mat

    31. And, an eight-piece cocktail kit with all the tools you need to mix up your fave bevies after a long, productive day – you've earned it, baby!

    Someone holding a mixed drink next to the tools of the cocktail kit on the table

    Need ingredients for all your new recipes? Shop each recipe directly through the app, or check out Walmart’s grocery selection to get veggies, meat, seafood, and more delivered right to your door.

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