17 Small Reminders For People In Their Early Twenties

    You got this.

    1. Remember to make time for a hobby outside your academic or work life.

    2. Remember to save where you can.

    3. Remember, you're allowed to take time out for yourself.

    4. Remember that overthinking everything isn't going to solve any problems.

    5. Remember to unfollow or mute the people who make you feel bad on social media.

    6. Or simply take a break from social media.

    7. Remember to make the embarrassing pictures/tweets private.

    8. Remember to exercise.

    9. Remember to travel as much as you can.

    10. Remember not to bottle up all your emotions.

    11. Remember to take more pictures; capture the memories.

    12. Remember that your relationship status doesn't matter.

    13. Remember to stay away from toxic people.

    14. Remember that nothing is permanent – even the bad stuff.

    15. Remember that everyone's journey is different, so there's no need to compare your path to someone else's.

    16. Remember that a lot of people don't actually have a clue what they're doing.

    17. Remember that you'll be okay!