19 Adorable Animal Facts That Will Make Your Day Better

    Crocodiles carry pink flowers and take part in activities that are purely for fun.

    1. A newborn koala joey is about the size of a large jelly bean.

    2. Cows have best friends too!

    3. Crocodiles carry pink flowers and take part in activities that are purely for fun.

    4. A baby fish is called a fry.

    5. Bees recognise human faces!

    6. Squirrels often forget where they buried their acorns, which means that they've probably helped grow trees.

    7. Rats laugh when they're tickled.

    8. Sea otters hold hands when they're sleeping.

    9. Basenji dogs don't bark much, but they yodel instead.

    10. Seahorses pair for life.

    11. Crows are so smart, they play pranks on each other!

    12. Cheetahs can't roar — instead, they just meow, purr and chirp.

    13. Some birds sing to their unborn chicks to warn them about the hot weather.

    14. Baby porcupines have soft quills at birth!

    15. Baby elephants suck on their trunks for comfort.

    16. While mums hunt for food, emperor penguin dads fast for approx. two months in order to protect their egg from the cold.

    17. Ōkunoshima, Japan, is an island which is home to a whole bunch of bunnies.

    18. Studies show that sheep can recognise facial expressions. Turns out, they really like it when you smile.

    19. And finally, a newborn polar bear weighs nearly as much as an adult ground squirrel.