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There Are Tombs In London That Contain Mass Graves And They're Pretty Terrifying

The apparition of a little girl named Emily.

On this episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, Ryan and Shane investigated the London Tombs.

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These London tombs have a dark history that's full of death.

Prior to being turned into a tourist attraction, the tombs had been sealed for decades.

One room in the maze, known as the brown room, is said to play host to a shadowy figure that lurks in its dark corners.

There's a hallway tour of the tomb pass-through, and it's said that a guide once saw a man standing at the end of it.

Arguably, the most active room in the tombs is known as the Roman room. Staff have claimed to have seen a little girl named Emily.

Ryan and Shane used motion lights in this room, in the hope of detecting movement from Emily's ghost.

It's certainly possible the spirits of those left in plague pits sleep within the confines of this maze.

While a busy city sits above the London tombs, it's apparent that an unfortunate history might be lingering below.