We Ate Everything At The New Hot Cheetos-Themed Restaurant And Here Are Our Thoughts


    If you hadn't heard, the Flamin' Hot Spot restaurant by Cheetos and chef Roy Choi has popped up in Los Angeles. Yes, you heard us right. Flamin'. Hot. Cheetos. Restaurant.

    And as lovers of the fine delicacy that is Hot Cheetos, (and Cheetos in general) we took it upon ourselves to go and try the entire menu.

    The menu isn't that long, so we weren't super overwhelmed with tons of options. That being said, the four of us made it a mission to try everything.

    First up were ap-paw-tizers! (GET IT?) Pictured here are the Flamin' Hot Elotes, Cheetos Sweet 'N' Spicy Chili Meatballs, and the Flamin' Hot Chipotle Ranch Wings.

    For the main dishes, there was the Flamin' Hot Fries and the Hot Cheetos Burrito.

    PLUS the Five-Alarm Cheetos Steak and the XXTRA Flamin' Hot Rice Bowl.

    For dessert, Cheetos Sweetos Hot Cakes, Chester Cheetah's Cheetos Churros, and the "Hot" Chocolate Shake were on the menu.

    The attention to detail was honestly fantastic. They had their own mints! And Flamin' Hot "coals" in the bathroom sinks!

    The restaurant is currently sold out, BUT chef Roy Choi recommends joining the wait list in case reservations are cancelled. Or you can buy the ingredients to make the recipes from home.


    CHRIS'S FINAL THOUGHTS: It's so cool to see this atmosphere they created, but it's not just aesthetically mesmerizing, THE FOOD WAS REALLY GOOD. I will be dreaming about those meatballs for the foreseeable future, and I might have to try to recreate the hot cakes myself, because they were so freakin' delicious.

    FARRAH'S FINAL THOUGHTS: I'm the type of person who eats a bag of Hot Cheetos and is sweating by the time I eat the last one. While the dishes had a spice to them, it wasn't my-face-is-on-fire hot. You were able to taste the ingredients separately. Roy Choi stated at the dinner, "I wanted to use the Cheetos as more than a garnish on top. I wanted you to taste the layers while using Cheetos as an ingredient." And that, friends, is what you'll get.