17 Faces You'll Understand If You Hate Going Out

    If you prefer staying in, you’ll understand.

    1. When you ask "Who all is going?" and think hard about each person who'll be attending before you'll agree to go.

    2. When your friends drag you to the club and you’re over it by the time you get to the dance floor.

    3. When the person you got a ride with wants to do more stuff but you're ready to go home.

    4. The face you make when someone invites you somewhere on the spot and you’re trying to think of a good excuse to avoid going.

    5. When you finally decide to go out for the first time in months.

    6. When you've only been out for 10 minutes and you remember why you normally stay in.

    7. When someone invites you to a party where you won’t know most of the people, so you say “I’ll try to make it” even though you know the truth.

    8. When someone calls to cancel plans.

    9. When you get sick and at first you’re upset, but then you realize you’ll get to stay in bed for a couple of days.

    10. When someone asks you to go out after you’ve already taken your shoes and pants off.

    11. When the food delivery person finally arrives at your door.

    12. When a friend just shows up at your place unexpectedly.

    13. When you’re ready to go home but your friend orders another drink.

    14. When you spot a large bug and now you're a prisoner in your own home.

    15. When you get home after a long day of dealing with people and run into your neighbor, forcing one last friendly interaction.

    16. When your friends stop inviting you to stuff and you're like "Haha, it's cool, I didn't want to go," but you're actually low-key hurt.

    17. When you’re actually in your favorite element, at home, relaxing on a soft piece of furniture.