

hi i'm chris. there's a lot of us about so you might want to think of something a bit more imaginative to call me. some just go for a simple mr au (pronounced like the "au" in "audi"), some are a bit more inventive/derogatory... mike calls me slopey, which is a bit racist. pit calls me yellowbear, which is also a bit racist... then there's andy who makes all sorts of allusions to me eating dogs... as you may have guessed, i'm originally of east asian decent, chinese to be precise, although since my dad died back in 1986 (leaving me fatherless at the tender age of four... boo hoo), i've had no ties to the chinese side of my family. what else... i work as a webmonkey for visitwales. we used to be the wales tourist board before the assembly came along and made us merge with them. it's pretty good, what i want to be doing, nice and easy and mostly stress-free. could pay a bit more though... on that matter, i supplement my income by pressing play on cd players for bogiez, a rock and metal night in cardiff. anything else, feel free to ask x

Dec 2010
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