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    10 Game Of Thrones GIFs That Describe Your Life Perfectly

    Monday is coming, and it always feels like it lasts 7 years.

    1. When something amazing happens to your friend and you're trying to be happy for them, but you're also jealous.

    2. When someone makes an inappropriate joke in a social setting.

    3. When you know you look good today.

    4. When you get off work on Friday.

    5. When you order something at a restaurant, only to be told that they've run out of it.

    6. When you and your friend finally admit the fight you had was ridiculous.

    7. When you think you may have plans on Saturday, but you can't remember.

    8. When you get to your concert/brunch spot/bar and see the line.

    9. Anytime and every time someone pisses you off.

    10. When this season of Game of Thrones comes to an end.