21 Photos That Confirm The Worst Fears Of People Who Hate Feet

    Someone's foot touches your bed...*SCREAMING*

    1. When you're among friends and everyone's feet just happen to be hanging out, TOUCHING.

    2. When someone thinks it's OK to grip your foot:

    3. When someone thinks it's funny and changes everything you own to a picture of their foot.

    4. When corporations conspire against you and come up with products like this:

    5. And THIS?!?

    6. Whenever anyone tries to tease you with "cute" pictures of their toes:

    7. When anybody tries to put their feet on your lap:

    8. When you're in the water and you're dangerously close to a swarm of strangers' feet.

    9. When someone taunts you when you're completely defenseless:

    10. Whenever something involving a pedicure occurs:

    11. Whenever someone tries to pull this off:

    12. When people in public put their feet up on the seat next to you:

    13. Whenever someone offers to give you a foot massage:

    14. When someone takes your phobia to the extreme:

    15. When someone asks you to hold their foot in even the most dire situations:

    16. When a yoga instructor asks you to reach for your toes after they've been producing their own pool of sweat:

    Learn how to discover your toes in forward bends! Thurs 10am Hatha Yoga @ChantryStudios #BeckBromFL @Yoga4Londoners

    "Yes, I've learned that my toes are very moist."

    17. When someone has the audacity to put their feet up on your dash:

    18. When you discover that one of your toes has escaped:

    19. When people place their feet on your bed:

    20. When someone dares to place them anywhere near your pillow:

    21. Bare feet. On the pillow. PLEASE LEAVE.